We went Banner sharif dargah at Bulenshaher district of Uttar Pradesh, India, for a survey camp starting from 20th dec. to 26th dec. 2012. We went there by a hired bus daily at 8am from our civil engg. department and return at around 6pm from there. We usually reach our hostel room at around 7:30pm. It was a sort of field work for us. The camp carries 1 credit for our B.tech course. The professors who are in-charge for the camp are Prof. Shakeel Ahmad, Prof. Faroquee, Prof. Masroor Alam etc. We contribute an amount of Rs. 100 for the entire camp. We had our breakfast as tea and lunch at there daily. Some of our department's lab assistants were brought there for cooking. All the instruments and necessary stuffs were brought from our department. We are told to bring our necessary utensils ( a plate, a glass etc.) ourself. We buy disposable plate a day before the camp but on the day, we found the cook with numerous plates. So, we don,t take out the dispo plates.
Groups of 5 to 8 students were made. There were seven students in our group. A group leader were made among us as per their rule. Then our professor allotted the experiments to each group for the entire camp. There were 8 stations ( A to H ) around Banner sharif. Our prof. Shakeel Ahmed mark the stations and take the necessary readings a day before. The list of the surveying that we have done are-
1. Bearing
2. Plane Tabling
3. Contouring
4. Rise and Fall
5. Cross Sectioning.
On the first day of the camp, we do Bearing surveying. We get a theodolite, ranging rod, staff, leveling tube, plumbing bob, centering etc. for the experiment. We complete all bearing readings on the eight stations on that day. There were lots of things to be complete in the observation table after the field work readings. Without the completion of observation table, we will be unable to proceed next experiment. So, we did it at home after returning from the camp that day.
On the second day, we plot the readings of the previous day in a plane table sheet. And plot the entire topography of the limited area in the sheet by moving the plane table in every stations. It includes the paddy field, the river, the mustard field, Dargah, road etc. It takes two days to complete table surveying. So, day third was also for plane table surveying. For plane table surveying, there were no extra work for home like the day 1st Bearing experiament. On day 4th, we did contouring. Like this, day 5th and 6th Rise & fall and Cross sectioning respectively. The entire camp was for 6 working days. In our case, we didn't go for the camp on the 25th Dec. 2012 due holiday for Christmas. Thus it takes 7 days to complete our camp including one holiday.