Monday, December 3, 2012


Reinforced Concrete : A concrete with steel ( Steel = Carbon 0.25-1.5% and the remaining is Iron) embedded in it to act together as a unit body in resisting loads including self weight is called reinforced concrete. A concrete has high compressive strength but low in tensile strength. So, the low tensile strength of concrete can be replaced by high tensile strength with the addition of steel into it with proper calculation.

A reinforced building structure can be divided into parts to ease calculation and analysis. They are - Footing, Column, Beams, Slabs. Adding them with proper planning will make a building. There are more things to make a complete building. But these are some of the basic structures.

Beams :  The dead and live load of the slabs will transfer to the beams and then to the column.  There are three types of beam. They are- singly reinforced beam, doubly reinforced beam and flendged beams (either singly or doubly).