Manipur, an Indian state with a total area of 22,327 sq. km. has a plenty of forest wealth. About 9/10th of the total area ( 20,094 sq. km.) is covered by hills and mountain ranges. All the forest of Manipur lies in these hills and mountain ranges. About more than 18,000 sq. km of these area are totally forest area under the state government ownership, which has plenty of trees, fruits, bushes etc. But usable trees or plants are found in lesser area. Some part of these hills or mountain ranges are meadow land which can be converted into planned forest by plantation with proper planning. If the state government plans to convert these meadow land as tree forest or paddy field, the state GDP will not be same as now because as we all know about the revenue produce from the forest.
Firewood, timbers, bamboo, fruits, raw materials are some of the current forest products of Manipur.
Firewood: About 90% of the families of Manipur uses firewood as their main or alternative source of cooking fuel. Moreover frequent economic blockade by the hill people of Manipur makes the prices of cooking gas higher or even unavailability frequently. These situation forces the people of Manipur to use firewood as their cooking fuel which becomes more economical.
To meet the requirement of firewood for the people of Manipur, plants has to be cut down in vast amount from the forest. But the most embarrassing thing is the amount of cutting is far more greater than the amount of planting.
Timber: Some of the uses of timber by the people of Manipur are-
- Furnitures
- handicrafts
- Construction of houses
- Sports material ( bats, hockey etc)
- Tools making
- Vehicles ( sangari, tractor, trucks etc.)
- Construction works of buildings
- Boat, bridges.
Constructions of houses and making of furnitures by timbers is carried out since the existance of the people of Manipur and it will go on for centuries in the future. The only thing that is change is their design and type of use.
A FURNITURE COMPANY : Understanding the land area of forest of Manipur, a furniture campany can make beautiful profit with low cost of raw material. Furnitures and frames of houses are unavoidable requirements of private and public buildings or houses throughout the world. A furniture campany based in Manipur can supply throughout India, even overseas. Some of the features of that company are------
* The company can keep managing committee, research division, workers etc.
* It can even open branches and subsidiaries throughout the state.
* It can supply the furniture and frames requirement of the people of Manipur at cheaper price.
* It can expand its product and business by opening chain of showrooms of its own.
* It can have e-commerce system with home delivery service for single and bulk purchase of private or public.
* It can own vast area of land for its raw material. Plantations the meadow land of the hills.
* It can initiate ideas or activities of plantation of forest in joining hands with govt. or ngo,s. Such company will not like deforestation because their existance is depends on the plants of the forest.
* A group of research can be send outside Manipur for perception of new design and decoration of furniture.
A company of such kind can give jobs to lots of educated and non-educated manipuris.
INTERNATIONAL : International Union of Forest Research Organisation ( IUFRO ) which has 350 participants from around the globe deliberate every year on the issue relevant the conservation, sustainable, management and utilization of forest tree resources. The research shows the uses of forest products which also helps in improving countries GDP. Food and raw materials of drugs, cosmetics, paper industries, sports goods, resin gum, match boxes etc. are the things that depends on forest trees. About 1.7% of India's GDP comes from forest wealth.
The forest products sector is one of Canada's, largest export industries, representing approximately 3% of GDP.